Monday, August 3, 2020

DFI Week 2

Reflection: week one

This past week I have practiced some of the knowledge I gained from week one.  One of my fears was going into my drive and tidying up files and creating new folders (this has always been a no, no for me as I'm good at deleting!!)  this may seem like something small, but the confidence I gained was empowering! 
I encouraged some students I was working with to try the heading tool, voice type, and also the explore button- they did know about them but said they forget to use them, so they appreciated the friendly reminder.  For me personally, I loved practicing using the table to create more displays (LOVE this!!)

Hapara Hot Tip #1Teacher Dashboard

Connecting with Manaiakalani 

 Learn Create Share

We had a discussion about Hapara Dashboard (need to check if I have access before week 3)

AKO Create Share Learn 
1. The Manaiakalani programme supports communities of learning move from the analogue world to the digital world
2. Increasing teacher effectiveness and accelerating learning outcomes
In this digital environment the key message is:
Learn by reading authentic texts, sharing ideas by discussion, thinking critically and developing strategies, collaborating, and making choices in learning, creating, and sharing.
Learn is about engaging with existing knowledge but also learning new (a lot for me) we were encouraged to use what we already knew and share what we learned today here on our blog. 
Quote: Using the learn create share framework to manage learning in a digital world
Chalk ‘n Talk: Today we discussed workflow and how this can help us if we keep our computers tidy and organised. Some things we covered today were how to:
Schedule emails for the morning so no late-night emails necessary
Accepting invites for meets
How to set up signatures 

Chalk ‘n Talk:  Meet

We had a presentation on how to use meet appropriately.  I learned that meet was originally created for businesses and not classrooms so this is why we cannot mute students.

We can create a meet by inviting through G calendar, google apps or GMail

We learned how to present our screen for sharing and recording a meet (you can only record the meet if you set up the meeting)

Google meet allows up to 250 people for remote meetings.  Allows video calling, screen sharing, live streaming, and can also record sessions.  Make sure you wear headphones if sharing the room with other people.

Reminder: To present your screen - click present and chose one of the following (entire screen, window or chrome tabs.)  To record click on the 3 dots and click the record button.

Google Meet link

With my mind still bulging from week one and the problems I had still clearly etched in my mind, I fronted up for week two of my DFI course. Thankfully this time around I got to see all the presentations and I felt a little bit more at ease, UNTILL I went into my bubble and had to try and share my two chosen choices. This was confusing for me as it was my first time trying this and somehow I managed to share Rapahoe Beach and my song at the same time. (if only I had slowed down and read the instructions!!)  Later on that day after playing around and following my nose, I managed to do this successfully!! (phew another 'I can do it, notched on my belt!😆)

Deep Dive: Google Keep
Keep is a handy tool for jotting down notes. I used this a few times with students to help them create a plan for their class subjects/ assignments while in lockdown. Today l learned that I could share notes with my contacts, create reminders, copy to google doc and add photos to notes.
One task I did not completely understand was the ripping of text ...need to research more (update-played around and taught myself this one - LOVE IT!!)

Chalk ‘n Talk: Gmail

Some things we covered today were how to:

Schedule emails for the morning so no late-night emails necessary
Accepting invites for meets
How to set up signatures 
Inbox type - see read or important emails first
enable undo to send and change the time for sending emails

Gmail link

EXPLORE TIME: This was a good chance for me to clean out my inbox and sort my starred and unread emails!! I had fun setting up labels and moving emails into the appropriate labels.

Chalk ‘n Talk: Calendar

How to change your settings for Monday - Friday for work

To set the calendar for either day, week, month or year

How to create an event - click on date, add title, guests, location, description then save

Settings (wee cog wheel)

Calendar link

Deep Dive: Taming your Tabs
I learned that there are ways to efficiently manage and keep track of your tabs
and that every tab open uses processing power!
right-click on tabs to pin them (need to use this more!!), duplicate and close other tabs,
close tabs to the right
Tab snooze (need to recap)
One Tab or Toby Mini (need to recap)

Create: Making
The last part of the session was about us creating a meet from google calendar.  I have always been the one invited, so it was a great opportunity to learn something new.  In this process, we also learned:
the inviter is the only one who can record the meeting.  After a couple of small issues, I did work it out in the end..(my notches are growing)

We were paired up with a buddy from our bubble group. I set up a meet by inviting Deb through calendar, and the task was to record ourselves while showing off our chosen students' blog, then we had to embed the video to our blog. Unfortunately, my video with Deb did not work (sorry Deb). I had another session with my home buddy Miriam today and although I missed the brief on what we were to discuss, for me, this was more about the process of me creating the meet and then embedding the video to my blog.

Reminder: To create our meet and record. Go to apps find Meet - add a name/s to start a meeting, continue, join now, add friends to invite, present now, select chrome tab, choose your blog post that you are going to share, share, click on 3 dots, record meeting, ask for consent, accept, when you see the red button you are recording and when finished recording - go back to 3 dots and press stop record.

This is my second attempt at videoing myself presenting on google meet.


Other Resources


  1. Kia ora Lyn,

    Well done for having a second go with your video - you did a fabulous job, it's great that you had Miriam to have another go with and you did so well! I'm so impressed with your perseverance, it's so easy to get overwhelmed when things don't go to plan, but I love that you just have another go.

    Do you think the taming your tabs tips will be useful for the students you work with?

    Looking forward to connecting again on Friday.

    Ngā mihi nui

  2. Thanks for your fantastic post Lyn. You are certainly taking so much in, and it is great to keep this on your blog so you can easily find it. Your recorded Meet is wonderful and good on you for persevering.
    Ngā mihi Nicola


DFI Week 9

Today was the last day of my  DFI journey, what an absolute privilege it has been to be apart of this course. (Thank you Grey High and espec...